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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  March 7, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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officer maintains he spotted her going well over 100 miles per hour and saw her swerving lanes. initially, she got a warning and a ticket for unsafe lane change. this prompted criticism of police and accusations of preferential treatment. >> we think she was treated differently because of her position in the county. >> it led the police department to review the incident. yesterday she got slapped with a reckless driving ticket. today she did not say whether or not she will fight the charge. >> i now respectfully ask that you reserve judgment and allow the legal process to run its course. >>toles made a brief statement and left. we will have to wait to see how these allegations play out in court. >> thank you. more suspicious letters
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containing white powder showed up in washington, d.c. today. the fbi is investigating whether they are related to others arriving and other states. >> right now fbi agents are trying to figure out whether or not there is a link between four letters found in the washington area to more than 10 other it letters found all across the country. >> a woman on a stretcher was taken out of the department of health after a letter containing white powder was found. >> i think it is terrible that we have to live in a country like this rainout. we have to watch our back. >> -- lived in a country like this right now. >> the children returned to school one hour later. >> the more protection they have in the schools around here, the more the better.
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>> this comes after two other places received letters earlier this week. one at the amorini restaurant. another at a restaurant inside the ronald reagan building yesterday. >> it would not be far fetched a something happen. you have to be prepared. >> fbi says they are looking into a possible connection into the same kind of letters found across the country yesterday. more than 10 letters opened in six states. several in the dallas area, an art museum in new york city a bank in birmingham, alabama and schools in massachusetts and rhode island. 40 dead years, agents have searched for somebody who sent letters from a dallas post office. right now sources inside the fbi are telling me those letters found inside the state of texas
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all have one thing in common. they were sent to schools and they have a postmark from the dallas texas area. now the letters found here are being tested to figure out what exactly that white substance actually is. >> thank you very much. armed men invaded a fairfax county home and told a group of george mason students at gunpoint. this happened just one block from campus. >> fairfax county police are on the hunt for the two gunmen. part of the reason they are so alarmed by the crime is because of the proximity to the campus. that is about the perimeter for george mason university. a short walk up the street and around the corner is where the home invasion took place.
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>> they were inside their home watching tv and studying for midterms when two armed men broke in through this open sliding door and terrorized the george mason students. >> it is a crazy scene. you have a gun. in your face. . you have a gun pointed in your face. >> he escaped and called the cops. >> somebody in the -- call the cops and run. >> police searched and remain on the hunt for the suspects. they were back today after an abc 7 crew noticed this near the home. police are not sure if this was a random crime or if this home was targeted. >> will have different roommates living together, you will have different people coming and going. along the way you could have made an enemy or somebody should
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who did not like you. >> it happened one a block from this college campus in a relatively safe neighborhood. word spread quickly. >> we always keep our door open. for now we locket just for this time. >> it is something his roommates plan to do as well after the night of terror. >> definitely a frightening ordeal. police have vague descriptions of the suspects. i should point out even though it happen so close to the campus, the school has not sent out an alert to the campus. there are currently in midterm. >> thank you for that. the center for disease control is involved in the sudden death of three calvert county family members. they are conducting more tests on blood samples of the infected relatives. they confirmed two of the three family members died of complications from the seasonal
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flu virus. it is not clear how the third person died. it is expected the 81-year-old woman unknowingly infected her family members. >> it is beautiful outside. are these temperatures here to stay? >> this is so typical of march whether where we get the swings from chilly. that will be the story for the next few days. let's take you outside of the weather center to oakdale high school. just a few high clouds. it will make for a gorgeous sunset this evening. temperatures holding in the area around of 40 or 42 for overnight lows. 64 in frederick ran out. 67 in quantico and 66 in the nation's capitol.
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temperatures will settle into the mid 50's a bit later this evening. overnight we will see numbers between 42 and 49 degrees. 70 degree temperatures tomorrow, but will that last through the upcoming weekend? i will let you know in a few minutes. >> thank you. it has been a whirlwind 24 hours in the race for the presidential nomination. mitt romney took six states. rick santorum 3. senior political reporter scott thuman is in the newsroom with what is next. >> you can argue any way you want, but the bottom line is super tuesday and by the numbers is a victory that mitt romney can relish today. do not tell that to the rest of the field. >> there is little arguing that mitt romney is in the driver's seat of the race now. super tuesday added to his
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already significant lead, and the numbers only complicate matters for his opposition. >> we have the time, resources and a plan to get all of the delegates. >> ohio was a win of the tiniest measure, but he also picked up five other states. his score board lead is growing at 364 delegates, he has more than the rest combined. daunting, perhaps. a deterrent? no, wait. -- no way. >> we are staying in this race, as i believe that will be impossible for a moderate to win the general election. >> the march is on to kansas mississippi, and alabama.
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while both its several of us today, they will need more cash. this race is getting more expensive with every week that goes on. >> we're going to have to win this election against a potentially billion dollar candid it. >> online they are pleading for every penny. >> coming up at 6:00, we will take a look at new numbers that just came and talking about how much money just came in. what is the president's take on what happened on super tuesday? we will have that as well coming up at 6:00. >> thank you very much. abc 7 is your road to 2012 station. >>bob mcdonnel has now signed that ultrasound bill into law. it requires women to have an external ultrasound. the measure sparked protest across the commonwealth and gained nationwide exposure --
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the mandate goes into effect in july. >> breaking news out of aspenville maryland. a man was killed on superior st. this afternoon. >> montgomery county police are on the scene. it is a very active crime scene. they are investigating at the house. there are other police officers coming through the area as they have launched a massive manhunt for the man they believe was the gun man. the are piecing together what happened. just after 3:00 this afternoon it ended with one man dead. there were several young adults in this home on superior street and aspen hill. when they arrived they found one a male adult the dead from the gunshot wound. it is important to point out
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that they say this is not believed to be random. they're not going into details about how the victim knew one another, but they say there is believed to be a relationship between the two. this is a man the police say they are looking for right now. is a hispanic male. he is about 5 feet 6 inches tall and believed to be 190 pounds. police say he was wearing a dark blue north face jacket and black timberland boots. they are combing the area trying to find this man. they have brought in other police officers and surrounding jurisdictions to help. >> let us know if anything changes out there. coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00, his home town devastated by last week's tornadoes. >> one of the suspects in the
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south capitol street murder trial to the stand today. some emotional testimony. >> peyton manning is out as a colt. will he be in as a redskin? >> why this is about to go
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>> there are a lot of new features on the new ipad unveil today. >> the wait is over. will apple fans be rushing out to buy the new technology? kris van cleave is live from georgetown with reaction. >> you have about nine days while this is still cool. after that it will be outdated because the next version of the ipad is coming very soon. it is not the ipad 3. the new name is -- wait for it -- the new ipad. >> today we are announcing the new ipad. it is amazing. >> tim cook did what the world watched steve jobs to time and again. well us with the next must have
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that will change our lives. leaving behind the desk top moving to the hand-held. >> the devices used the most need to be more portable and personal and the dramatically easier to use. >> will have high-definition read that display already in the iphone. it has an optional but very fast 4g lte connection. it employs told us people are already coming in asking for the new toy. >> i want to replace my desktop and use it as an alternative. >> a survey of potential customers found nearly one-third plan to buy the new device, half were willing to pay up to $500 for one. >> i am obsessed. that is what i am.
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>> pricing for the already out ipad 2 drops $100. the new ipads will start at $499. also getting an update is the apple tv. >> thank you for that. if you want the chance to be your hands on the new ipad without paying for it, this is the place. >> especially if you are apple obsess. we are giving away one of the new ipads. go to and sunup for your chance to win. we will announce the winner next friday at 5:00. here is a survey that find single women have the happiest dating lives. glamour magazine and found washington d.c. and
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philadelphia are the best places for people today. single women are the unhappiest, by the way with their dating lives in boston and atlanta. i am not sure a lot of my single girlfriends would agree with that. we will see. >> it has been a lot of -- it has been a long time since i have been in that market. >> whether why is everybody is happy. >> will work very hard back there. we actually produce the whether you see outside. let's show you what we are seeing from our camera. it is pretty looking across the bay. just a few high clouds. we will squeeze one more pleasant day out of this weather pattern before a cold front comes. 63 degrees and potomac right
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now. 66 degrees in the nation's capital. 63 in frederick. 63 and culpeper right now. remember the snow from the other day? i do nothing much if any is left. sometimes march comes up like a lion or a lamp, sometimes other farm animals. the point is it is a changing month. it looks like we will keep above average temperatures for the next few weeks. this is the trend line straight through the evening. 42-49 by tomorrow. all across the northeast temperature's very comfortable. look at boston, 57. very mild temperatures are my -- widespread. while parts of the east of new england enjoying a warm day, the
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chill is in minneapolis and st. paul right now. those numbers are starting to tumble. 38 in minneapolis. we will get one more push of that tomorrow and then it will to -- it will turn cooler as we get to friday and saturday. a few high clouds and some -- that should make for a beautiful sunset this evening. clouds increase in the afternoon ahead of the cold front. it will probably move through during the overnight hours before sunrise on friday with an occasional shower. they should get out of here by the rush hour on friday morning. 47 degrees in the morning. 65 at midday. at night thursday with some sun and gusty winds, has about 70 degrees. -- high is about 70 degrees.
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turn the clock ahead one hour saturday night as to go back to daylight saving time. mild weather continues again next week. >> thank you for the reminder. >> coming up -- a million-dollar winner says yes. a lot of people upset about that. >> this visually impaired rider got no help from metro during her time of need.
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>> i truly have enjoyed being your quarterback. >> it is the end of an era in many nap -- in indianapolis. >> the coolts have released peyton manning. pamela brown without fans feel about the possibility. >> a lot of people were saying it was the worst kept secret that he was let go from the colts. what is still unknown is what team he will play for next. a lot of people are hoping it
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will be for the redskins. >> thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. i truly have enjoyed being your quarterback. >> and emotional divide between the colts' and their quarterback peyton manning. >> to both wanted to be together. >> now that he is up for grabs the redskins are one of the handful of teams expected to aggressively pursue the future hall of famer. >> i would say we need him. >> after 1998, peyton manning never missed a game until being injured in 2011. many believe that is why the colts' only managed two wins. and today's press conference he plans on playing in the 2012. >> he certainly has been one of the best players in the nfl for
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a while. >> they had donovan and that here. he did not fit in. --donovan mcnabb here. >> we need the next quarterback coming out of college. that is what we need. >> even if they do put forth a big offer, it is not a slam dunk he would want to come to washington. that would mean he would have to play his brother twice in a season. >> thank you, pamela. coming up -- ovechkin states and to make a cancer patient's dream come true. >> this local men need your help to rebuild his hometown.
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>> a murder for hire plot uncovered in montgomery county. police say he tried to hire a hit man to kill his wife. brad bell live with the details. >> the way that -- the way the
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police charging document reads it makes it seem the only reason the woman is still alive is because the hit man her husband hired to have her murdered was an undercover cop. >> in the neighborhood where daniel mendoza thought he had killed a hit man to kill his wife, neighbors say there is only one way to describe the plot. >> it is unbelievable. i am surprised. >> police say they were contacted by an informant last month. the caller said mendoza wanted to have his wife killed near the house where she still lives. yesterday an undercover officer met with him at the twinbrook metro where he pointed out his life and said he would pay $200 plus the title to his car for her murder and the death of her
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boyfriend. the prosecutor told the judge the plot was no joke. >> he said, i want her dead. he offered money. he offered a specific plan. he showed a route. he laid it all out for them. >> neighbors say they never saw it coming. >> there are multiple people in that house. >> according to the court documents, the rest of the man's plan was after he hired a hit man, he was going to go back to his native honduras so he would have an alibi. the immigration service has a detainer on him. he is in the country illegally. >> one of the shooters and the notorious of capital murder trial took the stand today and became emotional when talking
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about the crime to which he confessed. sam ford has the latest. >> on the stand today, he admitted he was involved in all five murders, the trigger man and three of them and he did not know any of the victims. he was going along with his friend. a mother had one word for him -- >> evil. he is evil. >> after a week of back-and- forth feuding, 14 people were shot and five of them killed. many of them had nothing to do with the dispute but were just victims. he said, "i do what i was doing was wrong. every night it is all i really think about." >> michele jones -- brishell
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jones was an innocent victim. several family members fled the courtroom in tears. >> i cannot set up there. >> he said in court he did not expect much from his plea bargain. >>i expect to spend the rest of my life in jail. >> returns to the stand tomorrow to tell jurors how he was the man standing with the ak-47 and march 30, 2010 spring people he did not know with bullets. -- spraying people he did not know with bullets. >> a local joint police task force busted a group of serial burglars accused of up to 25 crimes. authorities say it took place between december and march in several local counties including frederick county virginia and
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maryland. >> families in the midwest are starting to clean up from last week's deadly tornadoes. a local man is trying to help the town where he grew up picket the pieces. greta kreuz shows how he plans to do that. >> he says 90% of his home town has been damaged or destroyed. he has to do something. >> he grew up there. >> i cannot even remember what it looks like because it was so destroyed almost beyond recognition. >> his wife called him at work when the deadly tornado struck. >> i dropped everything and came home and spent the rest of the night trying to find my family. >> his parents and siblings are
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all okay. everyone knows everyone here. childhood buddy rodney lost his father. she lost two legs while shielding her kids from the twister. this bus smashed into a diner. >> i in so far away, but i feel so helpless and at times. >> he is collecting donations from neighbors and steering people to different groups organizing efforts. a working-class town where people help each other and never give up. >> people are just trying to figure out how they are going to move on. >> nearly half of those who lost their homes did not have any insurance. he is also hoping experts and sustainable housing will come forward to help rebuild.
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>> a great way for people to help who want to pitch and. it is time to check on the traffic situation. >> we are watching slow traffic on southbound at 395 as you go from pentagon to duke street. it is slow from the way station off and on to center court parkway. some heavy delays on the beltway. the inner loop very slow as ago from the dulles toll road to 270. then from college park to annapolis road also slow from the wilson bridge to eisenhower. outer lip of the beltway is slow to telegraph. heavy delays between 11th street bridge and eastern avenue where an accident in shutting down the two right lanes. >> thank you very much. coming up -- a former officer
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connection to a woman accused of injecting women with an illegal substance in order to get a bigger backside. >> i think in the end, kids want to rise to the expectations. >> helping generate
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[ male announcer ] for the saver and a big first step. for the spender who needs a little help saving. for adding "& sons." fo the dreamer planning an early escape. for the moer of the bride. for whoever you are, for whatever you're tryinto achieve pnc has technology, guidance, and over 150 years of experience to help you get there. ♪ ♪
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>> it only takes one person to make a big difference. that person is cherry woods. >> as leon harris shows us, that is what makes her tonight's harris heroes. >> we have a small window to make a big difference. >> somehow she has been able to change the lives of millions of families in the district. >> to gather this makes the sound of air. >> some of our kids are in environments that are not encouraging. you can come in here.
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>> almost 30 years later this program is going strong. >> we are intangible about making sure we raise up a group of young people who morally are excellent. >> her formula is simple. >> we make it clear. if this is the plan you take, we are with you all the way to college. >> the family component is important in that it keeps us connected. >> so much so, almost all of the children here are the offspring of parents who were once part of the program. >> it helps you learn more. every summer -- >> is those memories that brings woods to work every day. >> recounted a real privilege to
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be a part of the life of these kids. >> if you know somebody who should be recognized as a harris's hero, said mir idea on facebook or through facebook at >> coming up next, the million dollar lottery winners spotted still using food stamps. >> she says it should be ok. >> she said she was left stranded at the metro with no help.
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>> metro apologizes to a visually impaired writer who was left at a station in the midst of the morning rush. >> we stepped in to get some answers. pamela brown has the story. >> for the past 30 years, she has relied on memory, sound, and her seeing eye dog to navigate
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the morning rush. >> when metro functions properly, i do not really find it too difficult. >> when things do not go as planned, she is left in the dark. >> i have waited for upwards to two hours for a shuttle bus that has never shown up. >> she cannot use in moving escalator. >> that could potentially great. >> she uses the elevator to exit the station. >> on the elevator is not working, and i of not getting the help my knee, it is very frustrating. >> the broken elevator made her an hour late for work. >> it is stressful and annoying. >> she asked the station attendant to arrange a shuttle bus at another station. in response -- >> she told us she could not help me.
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>> it can lead to a frightening situation, especially for blind riders. >> i did not like the idea somebody can be stranded on a platform. >> our station managers will assist any customer that needs help. it would appear that did not happen. we want to sincerely apologize. >> mentor says they have extensive training to of could dominate the writers that use the bus annually. ---- accommodate riders that use the bus annually. >> thank you. a michigan woman to wealthy to use food stamps? she won $1 million lottery. she bought a new house and car
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with the money. she was spotted using a food card to pay for groceries. >> i thought it would cut me off, but since they did not i thought maybe it was okay because i am not working. >> but you one more than $1 million? >> no, i 1 1 million. but after i took the lump-sum it dropped to $700,000. after taxes it was a little bit over half. >> i am starting to to think she has a right because she has no income and she has bills to pay. now, especially because she owns two houses. tell us what you think on our facebook page. >> i can only imagine what some of the responses will be on our facebook page. it is unbelievable. "revenge" is not on tonight because 20/20 takes a look at a real life case. a man convicted of killing a
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multi millionaire is ready to tell all and is pointing the finger at his own wife. >> she had him killed. >> here is what he says -- hear what he says is the motive for this crime. that is at 10:00 followed by abc news at 11:00. >> maureen bunyan is here with a look ahead. >> good evening everybody. super tuesday made a decent but not game changing event for the race for the white house. we will look at where the candidates are heading now. what is at stake in the upcoming states. a small maryland town is preparing to be thrust into the spotlight when the g8 summit comes to camp david.
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>> we will see you soon. right now let's go to doug hill and see if spring is here and for how long? >> one more day we will cool off by the weekend. let's see some numbers outside on the eweatherbug network. it is 63 and falls church. warmer through quantico and fredericksburg. 67 right now. overnight, our temperatures will be well above average. 42-49 degrees by morning. high clouds will cause clouds. -- we will be near 70 degrees across the major area. a cold front will come through with a couple of showers and the high pressure brings in a cool afternoon friday. another warmup starts again right through monday and most of next week. partly cloudy and warm for the
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day tomorrow. 70 degrees on saturday. turn the clock had one hour -- turn the clock ahead one hour. it will warm up again next week. we just today for this blog because today was registration for the marine corps marathon. in 3 hours 30,000 people signed up. i was not one of them, by the way just in case you were thinking. >> we were wondering. >> when you are hot, you are hot and would you are not, you are not. >> peyton manning is no longer a cult. it is weird. it is different. -- peyton manning is no longer a colt. they released him today which relinquishes them from paying a
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$28 million bonus -- a lot of money. he is now a free agent. hello redskins fans. he has undergone three surgeries to his neck. questions loom about whether he is ready for next season. we will have more on this story and the tearful goodbye coming up at 6:00. star athletes show their prioress through a lot of ways. ovechkin showed why he is one of the best in the world. he gave one boy the thrill of a lifetime. >>sam jacobson took the ice today and took with them every kid's dream. >> it is unbelievable. >> the 16-year-old not only met alex ovechkin, he got to skate with him. >> i was saying, i cannot believe it. to watch the boys out there. it is crazy.
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it is unbelievable. the greatest facebook post ever. >> he played hockey since he was 7 years old, but recently he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. >> he never cried. he never asked "y me." it is another thing that happened and he is going to go and beat it and be done. >> the make a wish foundation reached out to his family and offered him the chance to meet his idol. >> it is always fun to see the kids happy py. >> every time he is on the eyes, something interesting is going to happen. it is fun to watch. the >> you guys are already bodies. >> not bad having an nfl -- nhl all-star as your body.
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[ female announcer ] with xfinity you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework ♪ [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> a former d.c. police officer is connected to a case involving the injecting products into women's backsides. >> the best a getters found out about an illegal business when a baltimore exotic dancer reported getting injections and days later ended up in the hospital. silicon had gone to her lungs. >> martin was fired from the police department in 2005 after setting up a security detail in chinatown that officials called improper. >> i think it is ridiculous if you ask me. >> customers hired her to in just with the thought was medical grade silicone into
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their but talks to give them rounder, firmer bottoms. --their buttocks to give them rounder, firmer bottoms. >> people do not think about the consequences. >> i think it is unfortunate people but to that length to make themselves look better. >> can yet match and putting something like that into your body? >> no, i cannot. >> according to court documents they knowingly and willfully combined, conspired confederates and agree with each other and with others to deliver an adult third and misbrand a device, specifically liquid silicone with the intent to defraud customers. as you can imagine, it is very dangerous to inject silicone because it can get into
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bloodstreams. so far at least three people have died after exactly that happen. >> thank you very much for that. coming up at 6:00 tonight. >> in the race for the gop nomination, mitt romney's math looks good. what do other say this race is open. >> another man is shot and killed in this neighborhood. live with the details coming up. >> gas prices slide down a bit. what does it mean for the pain at the pump? that story and more a right now at 6:00. >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 news at 6:00 on your side. >> super tuesday is over but it is hardly a game changer in the primaries. >> mitt romney walked away


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